Monday, September 30, 2019

Investigation into wires and resistance Essay

The second two were done using two digital Multimeters so presumably the results on the second two tables are more accurate. Test 1 ammeter/voltmeter: Length of constantan (cm) Potential difference (volts) Current (amps) Resistance (ohms) Ammeter/voltmeter repeat: Length of constantan (cm) Potential difference (volts) Current (amps) Resistance (ohms) Multimeter Test1 Length of constantan (cm) Potential difference (volts) Current (amps) Resistance (ohms)Â   Multimeter repeat: Length of constantan (cm) Potential difference (volts) Current (amps). Resistance (ohms) 1Average resistance over all four tests: Length (cm) Potential Difference (volts) Current (amps) Resistance (ohms). Constantan theory resistances: Using the formula R=E(L/A) I have gathered the exact resistance of a length of SWG24 constantan regardless of any connections or battery faults: Length (m) Resistance (ohms) And this table shows the results of the computer simulation (the computer simulation incorporates the resistance of the connecting wires into the resistance): Length of constantan (cm) Potential difference (volts) Current (amps) Resistance (ohms). We measured the resistance at 0 cm to be 0. 35 ohms. However this cannot possibly be true because the average at 10cm was 0. 2015 and the resistance Analysis This is the average power (IV) plotted against the average resistance: This shows that as the length of the constantan increases more power is required to drive the electricity through the wires and at the same time there is also more opportunity for the power to dissipate as heat and light. This possess is used to good effect in electric fire elements where the wire is coiled to add greater length. My average results of our tests: The results from the preliminary computer tests: Conclusion: From my results and the computer graphs, I can see that the ratio between the length of the wire and its resistance is virtually linear and the theoretical resistance is exactly linier. This makes sense because the constantan wire is of uniform thickness. The resistance on my tests isn’t perfect and this is probably because of the heating effect as explained earlier. Two things that we can see from this graph are that neither the voltage nor the current are linear. This is because the capacity of the batteries are finite and therefore, as the resistance increases to infinity; the current and voltage will level to the capacity of the battery, curving the graph. Still, you wouldn’t expect the voltage or to be linier in a circuit like this because of the internal properties of the batteries and the heating effect of the circuit. Another thing we can see is that as the resistance decreases to zero the current and voltage will decrease to zero. However because the circuit will have it’s own fixed internal resistance including: The battery, the meters, the circuit wires, the contacts etc a theoretical zero resistance is not possible in this circuit. Also as the length of wire decreases to zero the results will become less accurate as the external resistances (mentioned above) become more significant and the temperature rises in the wire are more significant. For example if the internal resistance of the circuit we used totaled 3 ohms and we were testing 0. 001 cm of constantan equaling 0.001958 (if R=E*(L/A) is true) then the total resistance is 3. 001958 ohms, which is way off the actual total. And as you make the circuit smaller there is less resistance so the current is higher meaning that more heat is generated. My resistance results on my hand drawn graph are very nearly linear and that supports my prediction that if you increase the length of wire then the resistance increases. As shown, the line of R=E*(L/A) is linear and if you add the internal resistance of the rest of the circuit to that, it is still linear, but appears lower on the graph. If you take a point on the linear theory line and double its values then those values are true, meaning that in the lines formula X is directly proportionate to Y (this is safe to assume as there are no outside interferences i. e. battery, wires etc only the length and diameter of the constantan). The same is almost true (although shouldn’t be) for my total resistance average line. However, you cannot take the values of a point on the computer line, double them and expect them to be true. This shows that for this line X isn’t directly proportionate to Y but is R=E*(L/A)+the internal resistance of the rest of the circuit. Evaluation Comparing my results to the computer generated ones; I’d say that the experiment went quite well. Although some off connections in our circuit were slightly rusty and damaged the results show that it wasn’t too much of a problem. The range of results obtained was sufficient to form good averages which were comparable to the results obtained from the computer and the results generated by R=E*(L/A), and the results supported my prediction. I believe the results to be accurate because they are fairly consistent with each other. For example on the multimeter test at 50cm the resistance was 0. 9375 ohms and on the repeat I got 0. 88 ohms. This means that there was only a 0. 0575 ohm difference between them. However the results obtained from the voltmeter/ammeter tests were less accurate as it is very hard to read off them to more that 2dp. One strange thing with the results I obtained was that the resistance was much lower than I expected. This is shown by the graph. I would have expected the line to be closer to the computer simulation than the R=E*L/A line because R=E*L/A doesn’t account for resistance where as the computer simulation does. My experiment certainly had resistance in the circuit and yet my experiments line falls almost on top of the one that doesn’t. There are a few ways to explain this. The current in the simulation was lower than the current in real life, the internal resistance of the circuit was very low (which I find hard to believe) or the measurements weren’t accurate enough, either way there is no definite answer. Also on my hand drawn graph there are 3 obvious anomalous results, which didn’t fall on the line of best fit. They are likely to have been caused by poorer measurement, kinks in the wire or a bad connection (more sources of error have already been stated in the plan). However, I think that the evidence is still sufficient to support the conclusion. The way we set up and conducted the experiment was the standard however if I was to do repeat he investigation I would use much shorter circuit wires and use better connections to minimise circuit resistance. It might also be a good idea to use a rectifier instead of batteries so that draining power isn’t an issue. You could also extend the investigation by measuring other variables such as temperature and wire diameter. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ambassadors in Pinstripes

Review of Ambassadors in Pinstripes: The Spalding World Baseball Tour and the Birth of the American Empire Thomas Zeiler, the author of Ambassadors in Pinstripes: the Spalding World Baseball Tour and the Birth of the American Empire, entertains and enlightens the reader through a descriptive journey of Albert Spalding’s efforts to introduce a World Baseball Tour. The bulk of Zeiler’s book is based off of periodicals, newspapers, magazines, and guides; which serves as the groundwork for his book.Albert Spalding is known as a leader; a manager of the Chicago White Stockings, a very successful manufacturer of sporting goods, and predominantly as an organizer of tours designed to popularize America’s â€Å"national game† abroad. Spalding’s world tour mission was to send two teams of professional well known players to Australia, Ceylon, Egypt, Europe, and the surrounding areas. His marketing techniques and goals for his all American team to play worldwid e was a model for many industries seeking to establish abroad relations.Sports participation also provides a common ground and is a way to unite without discrimination, such as the warring people of South Africa during the Apartheid. Through this successful tour, Spalding established the pattern of baseball’s close connection with globalization and to let the world know of America’s increasingly ambitious exceptionalism in the world. Sports as a tool of diplomacy came of age in the post-World War I world when it caught the attention of politicians and governments as a channel through which to conduct international relations.Across the globe sports have personified the ideologies of political policies in the 20th century and as we enter the 21st century, sports are becoming an essential part of the toolbox of a country’s public diplomacy. Sport events that host numerous foreign visitors have impacts on a country’s relationship with foreign publics. It†™s why organizations and governments seek to attach themselves to popular figures, teams, and events that enhance their standings in the eyes of others.The Olympics for example serves as a way to bring world nations together through international sports competitions and encourages further engagement, often in the form of economic benefits through participation and hosting. London is currently hosting the Olympics this year and in preparation back in 2009 the event was predicted to â€Å"provide economic gold at a time of economic need,† however hosting the Olympics is an extremely costly business with the upgrades, new sports facilities, and security that it will cost much, much more than expected.Spalding’s World Baseball Tour laid the roots of the new empire and exemplified the United States onto the world stage. It highlighted our country’s economic growth, the search for overseas markets, improvements in communication and transportation, and the rising cul tural interactions. Thomas Zeiler’s main emphasis is on the baseball players and their entourage as â€Å"tourists† who helped disperse American culture abroad and brought global influences back to their homelands.Thomas Zeiler concluded that because of the immense impact of the World Tour, it was the process of globalization of baseball that laid the structure of the growing American identity. Baseball was used to sell and export the American way. The game associated itself with the values of the American dream. In America’s foreign diplomacy, baseball was used to promote patriotism and nationalism. Sports have shown it has the power to heal old wounds. Sport in South Africa during the Apartheid, kept the multiple races and cultures that make up South Africa apart for nearly a century.Apartheid was a system of racial segregation enforced by white Afrikaners, who were the minority, over the indigenous majority. Rugby was the sport that took a mental toll on all South Africans and played a larger part in the victory of the anti-apartheid movement. The Rugby World Cup was one of the key moments that shaped the world’s impression of the new South Africa. The Rugby World Cup contributed significantly to the return of foreign investment in South Africa and strengthening of trade and other economic links that had been destroyed through the policies of apartheid and the subsequent boycotts and restrictions.The development of the industrialization and the use of resources from across the world created a gateway for Americans. Spalding’s initial mission paved the way for global integration opened the door to the sensational play of foreign participants in America’s national pastime. The mass appeal of sports like baseball provides the United States with a social â€Å"olive branch. † Baseball diplomacy helps break the ice between nations that are separated by cultural differences, monetary discrepancies and educational v ariances.Sports are relevant to the study of foreign relations because it is fundamentally concerned with power, and our sports culture that is driven by the media, boasted by advertising, bankrolled by industrialists, that it’s reflective of American society. It has played a huge role in projecting American influence abroad. Sports purpose is no longer limitied to entertainment; it is often intermingling with trade, business, and politics. Hopefully sports will continue as a feature of modern life that connects people and continents together.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Volver, A Separation, The White Ribbon, Tsotsi, Departures, Animal Essay

Volver, A Separation, The White Ribbon, Tsotsi, Departures, Animal Kingdom and The Secret in their Eyes - Essay Example This study highlights that although South Africa’s Johannesburg is more urbane than any other city in Africa, yet the featuring of the neighboring sprawling and (in)famous Soweto slum makes the plot of the movie more plausible. Another instance which reinstates this sense of authenticity is the presentation of large construction pipes which serve as Tsotsi and his gang’s domicile. Otherwise, it would be out of order to speak of Tsotsi’s crime as taking place within Johannesburg. This paper declares that the author also uses special effect filmmaking strategies to make the setting very plausible and congruent with the plot. Specifically, lightning techniques have been used to this effect. In instances where Tsotsi and his gang carry night raids, weak light is used, thereby making the audience believe that such criminal undertakings are nocturnal. Through the use of silhouettes, Tsotsi and his protà ©gà ©s are also densely shadowed, so that they are easily identified as malefactors. The failure to use proper lighting could have portrayed Tsotsi’s criminal exploits as taking place during daytime, and thereby painting Johannesburg as an insecure, crime-riddled city where crimes happen even during broad daylight. Lance Gewer and Gavin Hood as the director and cinematographer respectively showcase their dexterity and ingenuity in filmmaking by making the movie polyglot. The movie consists of languages such as English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa and isiZulu, and thereby rightly painting Johannesburg not only as a polyglot but also a cultural melting pot.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Overview of digital forensics at NIST Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Overview of digital forensics at NIST - Article Example Due to the increased computer related crimes, it is a fundamental requirement for any organization to employ these digital forensic skills to establish and solve their security issues. Use of these forensic techniques provides an additional assistance to the organization since it helps in troubleshooting, identification and repair of operational issues within a system, reviewing of the operating systems (Barnett, par. 9). Also provides recovery of lost data from computer systems in case of malicious or accidental damage. It provides protection of sensitive information which would otherwise be used for malicious purposes and even acquisition of data from the hosts that can be used by the company in the future. Furthermore, it also gives an opportunity to monitor log entries and prevention of policy violations. Apart from all the support these digital forensics, there are shortcomings that accompany their use and benefits outlined above. One disadvantage is the difficulty in obtaining information from mobile devices like phones, iPads, and personal digital assistants. Law enforcement and forensics on these devices are still a challenge since most of the mobile devices require specialized interfaces, storage, and hardware. Also getting information from the cloud storage space is tedious because of the complicated cloud

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Principles and Foundations of Physical Education Essay

Principles and Foundations of Physical Education - Essay Example This undergraduate Physical Education program aims at enlivening and educating youth for Holistic Lifestyles(Carroll,1994). This mission is achieved holding on to beliefs expressed in the following statements. Physical Education will challenge and strengthen the self. It is a continuous process and has physical, mental and social domains. It recognizes the equality of all. It believes in investing in the participants so that they can get the returns. It believes that total quality can be achieved through competent instructors, infrastructure and technology. Philosophy of sports is not a static idea. Different peoples had difference approach to sports. The Greco-Roman world wanted wellness with physical skill in the sports training. War was somewhat regular in their experience combat involved physical skill in success and survival. The association of character formation with physical training was not their primary aim.In fact compared to the Greeks , the Romans somewhat neglected physical education for their elite: "In significant contrast with common Greek practice, the Romans of the Republic neglected to provide youths with an organized system of Physical education".(Lee Too,2001) However, they knew, physical training imparted moral lessons: obedience, discipline and patriotism. In brief they had a philosophy of physical training suited to their needs. The meaning of Philosophy is not static. In the modern sense philosophy is dedicated to finding general principles in local circumstances. In the American context the meaning of philosophy derived from the reflections of great philosopher John Dewey. "This new physical education was grounded on the philosophy of education of American philosopher John Dewey, which emphasized learning-by-doing rather than rote learning and dogmatic instruction. Dewey also stressed that education must be an exploration of thinking and reflection, an interaction with and an environment for learning, and must be democratic where all share in a common life that provides associational settings."(Sage, 2003, p. xi)Prior to the twentieth century physical education programs in colleges were aimed contributing students health. Instructors in pre-1900 programs were usually medical doctors or individuals holding certificates from department of education. After 1900 there was increasing tendency to insist on a ba rralaureate degree for a physical education trainer. This tendency continued and with the end of war more fund was available for sports in colleges and this also gave an impetus. Eventually the global interest in sports promoted also by the media a sports culture became part and parcel of education. Education Aims of Undergraduate Physical Education In the present program the target group is the undergraduate students. Educational aims at each stage of education are different. This applies to also to physical education. "What may be true of the play of children is not necessarily true of the sport which interests those a dozen or so years older. The sport of men and the play of children are distinct from one another in structure. They have different aims

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Study of a commercial Airline company (vigin Atlantic) Essay

Study of a commercial Airline company (vigin Atlantic) - Essay Example For the purpose, Virgin Atlantic along with Boeing 747 ran a biofuel commercial aircraft, successfully, for the first time in the world (Virgin Atlantic, 2007) from London’s Heathrow Airport to Amsterdam (reference). Richard Branson, the owner and founder of Virgin Atlantic owned a successful music records company – Virgin Records in the early eighties and ventured into the highly competitive airline service industry in 1984. The company brought revolutionary changes in terms of services offered to the customers and was the first company to offer personal TVs to their business class passengers. By the end of the decade, the company managed to become one of the leading airline companies in the world and had flown over a million passengers by the end of the 1980s. In the 1990s the company mostly focused on expansion activities - buying new planes, expanding its route network and even acquired a 49% stake in Singapore Airlines. Today the company is still capitalizing on its strengths by offering world class and revolutionary services to its passengers and is focused on implementing bio fuel technology to promote the environmental cause (Virgin Atlantic, 2008). Differentiation based on value, service and price: Virgin Atlantic differentiates its competitive strategy by leveraging its brand equity and placing itself as a premium airline company thus deviating from the oft repeated policy of price based differentiation. It offers premium services to its customers, which are creative and innovative and hence is one of the greatest strengths of the organization. Global appeal spanning wide range of customers: Virgin Atlantic caters to a wide range of customers from the economy to the business class offering varied services including complimentary meals amongst others. It also offers price differentiation according to the time of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study - Coursework Example The failure to do this is the reason why Alisi’i cannot gainsay whatever Ed says, since Ed is her boss. Mei can also not speak up for the same reason (Marynissen, 2011, 194). The task maintenance role that Ed plays is managing the financial, health and safety aspect of the project. Alisi’i will have to keep the accounting records of the project as Mike looks for the most pocket-friendly package for the project. Mary represents the clients while Wirimu oversees the process entirely carried through. Mei may help install the heat pumps. The four problems Wirimu is facing are: the big man syndrome in the meeting (as is epitomized by Ed); inordinate balancing of power among the project members; the presence of hardliners; and lack of proper communication. The major problem is the sharp difference in opinion concerning the installation of the heater, as the way to solving extreme temperature variations. The solution is making sure that the members of the project team are equal in authority and calling for a compromise in the team. It is the best decision that Wirimu has allowed the team to email him. This will help the team carry out a consensus to determine the way forward. GameZ new organisational culture can be described as bet your company culture. This is because GameZ is taking on new approaches such as removing Friday evening shouts, appointing three senior employees in a less competitive manner and being emphatic on the organisation’s profitability without factoring unforeseen consequences. The possible reason for Jane’s behaviour may be the detection of performance gap, at the end of the fiscal year. The link between culture and communication is complementary in nature. Organisational culture is relayed through communication, while proper organisational culture fosters democratic dissemination of information hierarchically and horizontally. To develop proper organisational culture, it is

Monday, September 23, 2019

Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Property - Essay Example It is in this scenario that the concept of property development & management comes into the picture, which provides the developer with a rigid framework for the effective development of a property. The present report will evaluate the viability of developing a small office site in a suburban London town location. All along, the report will concentrate on the information gathered on the property and will attempt to assess the viability of developing the property based on a series of valuations, funding proposals and elevations of the completed scheme. The report will initially consider, outline and assess the various important factors that will influence the decision to build and develop the property. The report therefore, would emphasize on planning the development of the property in the context of urban development, construction, quantity surveying, and design & property development. The report would then list out all the factors governing the development of the small office site and would proceed with discussing the development appraisal that was initiated as a major constituent of the property development scheme and will also model the cash flow involved. Therefore, the report would evaluate the viability of the small office site property development proposal on the whole. FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY The concept of property development especially with regards to commercial spaces has been a subject of constant debate and a plethora of literature is available in this regard. Among the literature available, major topics of discussion have been focusing on evaluating commercial property sites on the basis of nearness to the target customer base & urban centres, location of transport facilities, the government legislation and the political situation etc. The current section will aim to outline the basic set of factors that were currently prevalent at the small office cite in suburban London.The first and the foremost factor that influenced the development of the small office site were the availability of the land, and the presence of other critical facilities. Even though the land was available, it was important to assess whether the quality of the soil was good enough for construction purposes. A civil engineer who conducted surveys of the land and certified that the proposed site was suitable evaluated the land. In addition it was also important to determine the nearness of the property to hotels and cafeterias for the purposes of the employees who would be working in the office site. It was additionally important to determine the availability of drinking water in the area. Fortunately, the area was quite populated and as such, both these needs were not a problem at all. The area was abundant with hotels and the local water department ensured a constant supply of clean drinking water. Thus, the prime concern under the property development scheme was to assess the proposed site for its physical suitability for development.The next major consideration under this was to dig into the legal restrictions of the area. This was important as certain areas had a different pattern of construction norms and adhering to the law of the land was extremely important. For this, the help

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Composed Upon Westminister Bridge Essay Example for Free

Composed Upon Westminister Bridge Essay This poem is all about the poets epiphany-like realisation about London’s beauty while crossing Westminster bridge. He opens the poem with a hyperbole, designed to grab the attention of the reader. He continues this with almost an accusation: â€Å"Dull would he be of soul who could pass by†. This is basically challenging the reader to read on, as he or she would be ‘dull of soul’. In the next line, the word â€Å"now† shows that it is not just this place, but this time that adds to the atmosphere. This is supported where Wordsworth describes the beauty of the morning as a garment that the city wears. This shows that the city is not always this beautiful, but with the morning being ‘worn’ it is. The next two lines show that the beauty is added to both by human creations and by nature, in a serene confluence that astounds Wordsworth. The volta (transition between octave and sestet) is subtle, but the sestet starts with another hyperbolic statement: â€Å"Never did sun more beautifully steep†. In the third line of the sestet, he describes that the atmosphere is making him feel â€Å"a calm so deep†. This is counter-intuitive, as London is a busy, bustling, and hectic place. The fact that it is calm emphasises that it is the time more than the place which creates the feeling. In the fourth line, Wordsworth writes â€Å"the river glideth at his own sweet will†. The word ‘glide’ implies that the river is taking its time- it is in no rush. Also, he uses of the word â€Å"glideth† instead of ‘glide’ because the ‘-th’ sound is softer then the ‘-s’ sound, adding to the mood of calm. The poet ends saying that the city is so unusually calm and quiet, and that at this time all of the energy and madness of city life is not yet there- and he loves it.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

French and Indian War DBQ Revise Essay Example for Free

French and Indian War DBQ Revise Essay In the course of years through 1754-1763 the British were engaged in a war with their rival French. The conflict was known as the French and Indian War. It started when the colonies could not shift west, and the British trying to settle in the Ohio Valley and the French did not want them to expand. It was played entirely in North America with the colonials on the British side. The conflicts between French and the British would cause a drastic change in the colonial-British relationship. It would alter the political, economic, and philosophical relations. The political aspect would change when the British would start taxing the colonies to pay of debt accumulated by the war. Just like James Ottis said, â€Å"No taxation without representation,† The colonies agree with the statement and believed they had the right to be represented. If they had representation, it would have been virtual, instead of direct. With direct representation the colonies would be able to overpower the government and vote for someone with their interests. The colonists though during this time were not use to the British paying so much attention, because Salutary Neglect happened before the war. This was when they loosely enforced the laws on the colonists. Other then the British now enforcing laws, the colonists also did not appreciate when they declared the Proclamation of 1763. Canassatego, chief said, â€Å"We must insist on your removing them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They set the proclamation to keep the Indians happy. This helped prevent another uproar like Pontiacs Rebellion, and also did not allow colonists to move westward. Also, during the war to keep the Iroquois Indians pleased, Franklin called the Albany Congress into plan. The economical piece also differed during the war. In the war, the British collected a great amount of debt. They believed that the colonials should be taxed to help pay off this debt. The British order in council said, â€Å"Not only is revenue impaired, but the commerce of colonies diverted for its natural course† (Doc F). They also believed in mercantilism, were they exported more than imported. By doing this they lost money and supplies, while benefiting the mother country. To repair money situations, the Navigation Acts were enforced to start generating revenue. After the Navigation Acts were enforced, the first act declared to raise money came to power. It was known as the Stamp Act. In Document H, â€Å"The TIMES are Dreadful, Doleful, Dismal, Dolorous, and DOLLAR-LESS† (Newspaper Masthead). This was proof of the colonies hatred to the stamp tax. The stamp act was like sales tax, where all merchandise purchased must be stamped. In the letter to John Huges from Benjamin Franklin, â€Å"Undertaking to execute it may make you unpopular for a time† (Doc G). The act by the British was unpopular with the colonist, because they did not want to help by paying the debt. Along with economics, the philosophical stance of America toward the British changed as well. At the end of the war colonists were feeling powerful and more independent minded. The French were no longer a threat and they had the desire to expand westward. The British on the other hand thought of the colonies in a whole different way. They believed they were laze and backwards. George Washington, â€Å"I wish earnestly to attain some knowledge of the military profession† (Doc C). George Washington worked with Braddock with the British and even ending the war his views started to change. With the average age being sixteen and doubling every twenty-five years the British would not allow the colonies direct vote. They could not let, because with the French out of the way the colonies could now take over with their population growing rapidly. With the population growing they wanted to expand west, but the Proclamation of 1763 would not permit it. Also now much of the land had shifted to the Spanish, with the French gone, as displayed in document A. The colonies believed they were being treated unfairly. In Massachusetts Soldier’s diary, â€Å"Who are but little better than slaves to their officers† (Doc D). The British wee cruel to them and this put an enormous impact on their relations. The political, economic, and philosophical relations of the British-colonial ship would be differed for the future to come. The relationship was strained, because of taxes needed to repay war debt, and not being represented for it. To have the claim over the river valley, but try to keep the Indians within their trust. They were there to please themselves and In the end the French lost almost all of the North American land that went to the Spanish. These conflicts led to the North American war called the French and Indian War, and later a greater conflict around the world as the seven years war.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Life Of Pi | Character Analysis

Life Of Pi | Character Analysis Piscine Molitor Patel is the protagonist and, for most of the novel, the narrator. In the chapters that frame the main story, Pi, as a shy, graying, middle-aged man, tells the author about his early childhood and the shipwreck that changed his life. This narrative device distances the reader from the truth. We dont know whether Pis story is accurate or what pieces to believe. This effect is intentional; throughout Pi emphasizes the importance of choosing the better story, believing that imagination trumps cold, hard facts. As a child, he reads widely and embraces many religions and their rich narratives that provide meaning and dimension to life. In his interviews with the Japanese investigators after his rescue, he offers first the more fanciful version of his time at sea. But, at their behest, he then provides an alternative version that is more realistic but ultimately less appealing to both himself and his questioners. The structure of the novel both illustrates Pis defining char acteristic, his dependence on and love of stories, and highlights the inherent difficulties in trusting his version of events. Though the narrative jumps back and forth in time, the novel traces Pis development and maturation in a traditional bildungsroman, or coming-of-age story. Pi is an eager, outgoing, and excitable child, dependent on his family for protection and guidance. In school, his primary concerns involve preventing his schoolmates from mispronouncing his name and learning as much as he can about religion and zoology. But when the ship sinks, Pi is torn from his family and left alone on a lifeboat with wild animals. The disaster serves as the catalyst in his emotional growth; he must now become self-sufficient. Though he mourns the loss of his family and fears for his life, he rises to the challenge. He finds a survival guide and emergency provisions. Questioning his own values, he decides that his vegetarianism is a luxury under the conditions and learns to fish. He capably protects himself from Richard Parker and even assumes a parental relationship with the tiger, providing him with food and keeping him in line. The devastating shipwreck turns Pi into an adult, able to fend for himself out in the world alone. Pis belief in God inspires him as a child and helps sustain him while at sea. In Pondicherry, his atheistic biology teacher challenges his Hindu faith in God, making him realize the positive power of belief, the need to overcome the otherwise bleakness of the universe. Motivated to learn more, Pi starts practicing Christianity and Islam, realizing these religions all share the same foundation: belief in a loving higher power. His burgeoning need for spiritual connection deepens while at sea. In his first days on the lifeboat, he almost gives up, unable to bear the loss of his family and unwilling to face the difficulties that still await him. At that point, however, he realizes that the fact he is still alive means that God is with him; he has been given a miracle. This thought gives him strength, and he decides to fight to remain alive. Throughout his adventure, he prays regularly, which provides him with solace, a sense of connection to something greater, and a way to pass the time . Richard Parker Pis companion throughout his ordeal at sea is Richard Parker, a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger. Unlike many novels in which animals speak or act like humans, Richard Parker is portrayed as a real animal that acts in ways true to his species. It can be difficult to accept that a tiger and a boy could exist on a lifeboat alone, however, in the context of the novel, it seems plausible. Captured as a cub, Parker grew up in the zoo and is accustomed to a life in captivity. He is used to zookeepers training and providing for him, so he is able to respond to cues from Pi and submit to his dominance. However, he is no docile house cat. He has been tamed, but he still acts instinctually, swimming for the lifeboat in search of shelter and killing the hyena and the blind castaway for food. When the two wash up on the shore of Mexico, Richard Parker doesnt draw out his parting with Pi, he simply runs off into the jungle, never to be seen again. Though Richard Parker is quite fearsome, ironically his presence helps Pi stay alive. Alone on the lifeboat, Pi has many issues to face in addition to the tiger onboard: lack of food and water, predatory marine life, treacherous sea currents, and exposure to the elements. Overwhelmed by the circumstances and terrified of dying, Pi becomes distraught and unable to take action. However, he soon realizes that his most immediate threat is Richard Parker. His other problems now temporarily forgotten, Pi manages, through several training exercises, to dominate Parker. This success gives him confidence, making his other obstacles seem less insurmountable. Renewed, Pi is able to take concrete steps toward ensuring his continued existence: searching for food and keeping himself motivated. Caring and providing for Richard Parker keeps Pi busy and passes the time. Without Richard Parker to challenge and distract him, Pi might have given up on life. After he washes up on land in Mexico, he thank s the tiger for keeping him alive. Richard Parker symbolizes Pis most animalistic instincts. Out on the lifeboat, Pi must perform many actions to stay alive that he would have found unimaginable in his normal life. An avowed vegetarian, he must kill fish and eat their flesh. As time progresses, he becomes more brutish about it, tearing apart birds and greedily stuffing them in his mouth, the way Richard Parker does. After Richard Parker mauls the blind Frenchman, Pi uses the mans flesh for bait and even eats some of it, becoming cannibalistic in his unrelenting hunger. In his second story to the Japanese investigators, Pi is Richard Parker. He kills his mothers murderer. Parker is the version of himself that Pi has invented to make his story more palatable, both to himself and to his audience. The brutality of his mothers death and his own shocking act of revenge are too much for Pi to deal with, and he finds it easier to imagine a tiger as the killer, rather than himself in that role. Character List Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi) The protagonist of the story. Piscine is the narrator for most of the novel, and his account of his seven months at sea forms the bulk of the story. He gets his unusual name from the French word for pool-and, more specifically, from a pool in Paris in which a close family friend, Francis Adirubasamy, loved to swim. A student of zoology and religion, Pi is deeply intrigued by the habits and characteristics of animals and people. Richard Parker The Royal Bengal tiger with whom Pi shares his lifeboat. His captor, Richard Parker, named him Thirsty, but a shipping clerk made a mistake and reversed their names. From then on, at the Pondicherry Zoo, he was known as Richard Parker. Weighing 450 pounds and about nine feet long, he kills the hyena on the lifeboat and the blind cannibal. With Pi, however, Richard Parker acts as an omega, or submissive, animal, respecting Pis dominance. Read an in-depth analysis of Richard Parker. The Author The narrator of the (fictitious) Authors Note, who inserts himself into the narrative at several points throughout the text. Though the author who pens the Authors Note never identifies himself by name, there are many clues that indicate it is Yann Martel himself, thinly disguised: he lives in Canada, has published two books, and was inspired to write Pis life story during a trip to India. Francis Adirubasamy The elderly man who tells the author Pis story during a chance meeting in a Pondicherry coffee shop. He taught Pi to swim as a child and bestowed upon him his unusual moniker. He arranges for the author to meet Pi in person, so as to get a first-person account of his strange and compelling tale. Pi calls him Mamaji, an Indian term that means respected uncle. Ravi Pis older brother. Ravi prefers sports to schoolwork and is quite popular. He teases his younger brother mercilessly over his devotion to three religions. Santosh Patel Pis father. He once owned a Madras hotel, but because of his deep interest in animals decided to run the Pondicherry Zoo. A worrier by nature, he teaches his sons not only to care for and control wild animals, but to fear them. Though raised a Hindu, he is not religious and is puzzled by Pis adoption of numerous religions. The difficult conditions in India lead him to move his family to Canada. Gita Patel Pis beloved mother and protector. A book lover, she encourages Pi to read widely. Raised Hindu with a Baptist education, she does not subscribe to any religion and questions Pis religious declarations. She speaks her mind, letting her husband know when she disagrees with his parenting techniques. When Pi relates another version of his story to his rescuers, she takes the place of Orange Juice on the lifeboat. Satish Kumar Pis atheistic biology teacher at Petit Sà ©minaire, a secondary school in Pondicherry. A polio survivor, he is an odd-looking man, with a body shaped like a triangle. His devotion to the power of scientific inquiry and explanation inspires Pi to study zoology in college. Father Martin The Catholic priest who introduces Pi to Christianity after Pi wanders into his church. He preaches a message of love. He, the Muslim Mr. Kumar, and the Hindu pandit disagree about whose religion Pi should practice. Satish Kumar A plain-featured Muslim mystic with the same name as Pis biology teacher. He works in a bakery. Like the other Mr. Kumar, this one has a strong effect on Pis academic plans: his faith leads Pi to study religion at college. The Hindu Pandit One of three important religious figures in the novel. Never given a name, he is outraged when Pi, who was raised Hindu, begins practicing other religions. He and the other two religious leaders are quieted somewhat by Pis declaration that he just wants to love God. Meena Patel Pis wife, whom the author meets briefly in Toronto. Nikhil Patel (Nick) Pis son. He plays baseball. Usha Patel Pis young daughter. She is shy but very close to her father. The Hyena An ugly, intensely violent animal. He controls the lifeboat before Richard Parker emerges. The Zebra A beautiful male Grants zebra. He breaks his leg jumping into the lifeboat. The hyena torments him and eats him alive. Orange Juice The maternal orangutan that floats to the lifeboat on a raft of bananas. She suffers almost humanlike bouts of loneliness and seasickness. When the hyena attacks her, she fights back valiantly but is nonetheless killed and decapitated. The Blind Frenchman A fellow castaway whom Pi meets by chance in the middle of the ocean. Driven by hunger and desperation, he tries to kill and cannibalize Pi, but Richard Parker kills him first. Tomohiro Okamoto An official from the Maritime Department of the Japanese Ministry of Transport, who is investigating the sinking of the Japanese Tsimtsum. Along with his assistant, Atsuro Chiba, Okamoto interviews Pi for three hours and is highly skeptical of his first account. Atsuro Chiba Okamotos assistant. Chiba is the more naÃÆ' ¯ve and trusting of the two Japanese officials, and his inexperience at conducting interviews gets on his superiors nerves. Chiba agrees with Pi that the version of his ordeal with animals is the better than the one with people. The Cook The human counterpart to the hyena in Pis second story. He is rude and violent and hoards food on the lifeboat. After he kills the sailor and Pis mother, Pi stabs him and he dies. The Sailor The human counterpart to the zebra in Pis second story. He is young, beautiful, and exotic. He speaks only Chinese and is very sad and lonely in the lifeboat. He broke his leg jumping off the ship, and it becomes infected. The cook cuts off the leg, and the sailor dies slowly. Themes Themes, Motifs Symbols Themes The Will to Live Life of Pi is a story about struggling to survive through seemingly insurmountable odds. The shipwrecked inhabitants of the little lifeboat dont simply acquiesce to their fate: they actively fight against it. Pi abandons his lifelong vegetarianism and eats fish to sustain himself. Orange Juice, the peaceful orangutan, fights ferociously against the hyena. Even the severely wounded zebra battles to stay alive; his slow, painful struggle vividly illustrates the sheer strength of his life force. As Martel makes clear in his novel, living creatures will often do extraordinary, unexpected, and sometimes heroic things to survive. However, they will also do shameful and barbaric things if pressed. The hyenas treachery and the blind Frenchmans turn toward cannibalism show just how far creatures will go when faced with the possibility of extinction. At the end of the novel, when Pi raises the possibility that the fierce tiger, Richard Parker, is actually an aspect of his own personality, and that Pi himself is responsible for some of the horrific events he has narrated, the reader is forced to decide just what kinds of actions are acceptable in a life-or-death situation. The Importance of Storytelling Life of Pi is a story within a story within a story. The novel is framed by a (fictional) note from the author, Yann Martel, who describes how he first came to hear the fantastic tale of Piscine Molitor Patel. Within the framework of Martels narration is Pis fantastical first-person account of life on the open sea, which forms the bulk of the book. At the end of the novel, a transcript taken from an interrogation of Pi reveals the possible true story within that story: that there were no animals at all, and that Pi had spent those 227 days with other human survivors who all eventually perished, leaving only himself. Pi, however, is not a liar: to him, the various versions of his story each contain a different kind of truth. One version may be factually true, but the other has an emotional or thematic truth that the other cannot approach. Throughout the novel, Pi expresses disdain for rationalists who only put their faith in dry, yeastless factuality, when stories-which can amaze and inspire listeners, and are bound to linger longer in the imagination-are, to him, infinitely superior. Storytelling is also a means of survival. The true events of Pis sea voyage are too horrible to contemplate directly: any young boy would go insane if faced with the kinds of acts Pi (indirectly) tells his integrators he has witnessed. By recasting his account as an incredible tale about humanlike animals, Pi doesnt have to face the true cruelty human beings are actually capable of. Similarly, by creating the character of Richard Parker, Pi can disavow the ferocious, violent side of his personality that allowed him to survive on the ocean. Even this is not, technically, a lie in Pis eyes. He believes that the tiger-like aspect of his nature and the civilized, human aspect stand in tense opposition and occasional partnership with one another, just as the boy Pi and the tiger Richard Parker are both enemies and allies. The Nature of Religious Belief Life of Pi begins with an old man in Pondicherry who tells the narrator, I have a story that will make you believe in God. Storytelling and religious belief are two closely linked ideas in the novel. On a literal level, each of Pis three religions, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam, come with its own set of tales and fables, which are used to spread the teachings and illustrate the beliefs of the faith. Pi enjoys the wealth of stories, but he also senses that, as Father Martin assured him was true of Christianity, each of these stories might simply be aspects of a greater, universal story about love. Stories and religious beliefs are also linked in Life of Pi because Pi asserts that both require faith on the part of the listener or devotee. Surprisingly for such a religious boy, Pi admires atheists. To him, the important thing is to believe in something, and Pi can appreciate an atheists ability to believe in the absence of God with no concrete proof of that absence. Pi has nothing but disdain, however, for agnostics, who claim that it is impossible to know either way, and who therefore refrain from making a definitive statement on the question of God. Pi sees this as evidence of a shameful lack of imagination. To him, agnostics who cannot make a leap of faith in either direction are like listeners who cannot appreciate the non-literal truth a fictional story might provide. Motifs Territorial Dominance Though Martels text deals with the seemingly boundless nature of the sea, it also studies the strictness of boundaries, borders, and demarcations. The careful way in which Pi marks off his territory and differentiates it from Richard Parkers is necessary for Pis survival. Animals are territorial creatures, as Pi notes: a family dog, for example, will guard its bed from intruders as if it were a lair. Tigers, as we learn from Richard Parker, are similarly territorial. They mark their space and define its boundaries carefully, establishing absolute dominance over every square inch of their area. To master Richard Parker, Pi must establish his control over certain zones in the lifeboat. He pours his urine over the tarp to designate a portion of the lifeboat as his territory, and he uses his whistle to ensure that Richard Parker stays within his designated space. The small size of the lifeboat and the relatively large size of its inhabitants make for a crowded vessel. In such a confined space, the demarcation of territory ensures a relatively peaceful relationship between man and beast. If Richard Parker is seen as an aspect of Pis own personality, the notion that a distinct boundary can be erected between the two represents Pis need to disavow the violent, animalistic side of his nature. Hunger and Thirst Unsurprisingly in a novel about a shipwrecked castaway, the characters in Life of Pi are continually fixated on food and water. Ironically, the lifeboat is surrounded by food and water; however, the salty water is undrinkable and the food is difficult to catch. Pi constantly struggles to land a fish or pull a turtle up over the side of the craft, just as he must steadily and consistently collect fresh drinking water using the solar stills. The repeated struggles against hunger and thirst illustrate the sharp difference between Pis former life and his current one on the boat. In urban towns such as Pondicherry, people are fed like animals in a zoo-they never have to expend much effort to obtain their sustenance. But on the open ocean, it is up to Pi to fend for himself. His transition from modern civilization to the more primitive existence on the open sea is marked by his attitudes toward fish: initially Pi, a vegetarian, is reluctant to kill and eat an animal. Only once the fish is lifeless, looking as it might in a market, does Pi feel better. As time goes on, Pis increasing comfort with eating meat signals his embrace of his new life. Ritual Throughout the novel, characters achieve comfort through the practice of rituals. Animals are creatures of habit, as Pi establishes early on when he notes that zookeepers can tell if something is wrong with their animals just by noticing changes in their daily routines. People, too, become wedded to their routines, even to the point of predictability, and grow troubled during times of change. While religious traditions are a prime example of ritual in this novel, there are numerous others. For instance, Pis mother wants to buy cigarettes before traveling to Canada, for fear that she wont be able to find her particular brand in Winnipeg. And Pi is able to survive his oceanic ordeal largely because he creates a series of daily rituals to sustain him. Without rituals, routines, and habits, the novel implies, people feel uneasy and unmoored. Rituals give structure to abstract ideas and emotions-in other words, ritual is an alternate form of storytelling. Symbols Pi Piscine Molitor Patels preferred moniker is more than just a shortened version of his given name. Indeed, the word Pi carries a host of relevant associations. It is a letter in the Greek alphabet that also contains alpha and omega, terms used in the book to denote dominant and submissive creatures. Pi is also an irrational mathematical number, used to calculate distance in a circle. Often shortened to 3.14, pi has so many decimal places that the human mind cant accurately comprehend it, just as, the book argues, some realities are too difficult or troubling to face. These associations establish the character Pi as more than just a realistic protagonist; he also is an allegorical figure with multiple layers of meaning. The Color Orange In Life of Pi, the color orange symbolizes hope and survival. Just before the scene in which the Tsimtsum sinks, the narrator describes visiting the adult Pi at his home in Canada and meeting his family. Pis daughter, Usha, carries an orange cat. This moment assures the reader that the end of the story, if not happy, will not be a complete tragedy, since Pi is guaranteed to survive the catastrophe and father children of his own. The little orange cat recalls the big orange cat, Richard Parker, who helps Pi survive during his 227 days at sea. As the Tsimtsum sinks, Chinese crewmen give Pi a lifejacket with an orange whistle; on the boat, he finds an orange lifebuoy. The whistle, buoy, and tiger all help Pi survive, just as Orange Juice the orangutan provides a measure of emotional support that helps the boy maintain hope in the face of horrific tragedy. Quotes Important Quotations Explained 1. I know zoos are no longer in peoples good graces. Religion faces the same problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both. Explanation for Quotation 1 >> These words are spoken by Pi early in Part One, at the end of chapter 4, after a long discussion of zoo enclosures. Mr. Patel, Pi has recently told us, runs the Pondicherry Zoo, a place that Pi considered paradise as a boy. Pi has heard many people say negative things about zoos-namely that they deprive noble, wild creatures of their freedom and trap them in boring, domesticated lives-but he disagrees. Wild animals in their natural habitat encounter fear, fighting, lack of food, and parasites on a regular basis. Given all these biological facts, animals in the wild are not free at all-rather, they are subject to a stringent set of social and natural laws that they must follow or die. Since animals are creatures of habit, zoo enclosures, with abundant food and water, clean cages, and a constant routine, are heaven for them. Given the chance, Pi says, most zoo animals do not ever try to escape, unless something in their cage frightens them. We have already learned that Pi studied zoology and religion at the University of Toronto, and the above quote demonstrates just how closely aligned the two subjects are in his mind. He is quick to turn a discussion of animal freedom into a metaphor for peoples religious inclinations. Just as people misunderstand the nature of animals in the wild, they also misunderstand what it means for a person to be free of any religious system of belief. The agnostic (someone who is uncertain about the existence of god and does not subscribe to any faith) may think he is at liberty to believe or disbelieve anything he wants, but in reality he does not allow himself to take imaginative leaps. Instead, he endures lifes ups and downs the way an animal in the wild does: because he has to. A person of faith, on the other hand, is like an animal in an enclosure, surrounded on all sides by a version of reality that is far kinder than reality itself. Pi embraces religious doctrine for the same reason he embraces the safety and security of a zoo enclosure: it makes life easier and more pleasurable. Close 2. I can well imagine an atheists last words: White, white! L-L-Love! My God!-and the deathbed leap of faith. Whereas the agnostic, if he stays true to his reasonable self, if he stays beholden to dry, yeastless factuality, might try to explain the warm light bathing him by saying, Possibly a f-f-failing oxygenation of the b-b-brain, and, to the very end, lack imagination and miss the better story. Explanation for Quotation 2 >> Spoken by Pi, this quotation-chapter 22 in its entirety-emphasizes the important distinction between facts and imagination, the crux of the entire novel. Previously, in chapter 21, the author used the phrases dry, yeastless factuality and the better story after a meeting with Pi in a cafà ©; the repetition highlights this dichotomy. Religion is aligned with imagination, while lack of faith is linked to accurate observation and rationalism. In short, Pi is giving us a simple, straightforward explanation for the variants of his own story: the one with animals and the one without. The quote condemns those who lack artistry and imagination, the inability to commit to a story. Pi himself is a consummate artist, a storyteller, and he believes all religions tell wonderful tales, though not literal truths. Pi believes that atheists (who do not believe in God) have the capacity to believe; they choose to believe that God doesnt exist. At the end of their lives, they could embrace the notion of God and devise a story that will help them die in peace and contentment. Pi despises agnostics for their decision to make uncertainty a way of life. They choose to live a life of doubt, without any sort of narrative to guide them. Without these stories, our existence is dry and unpalatable as unrisen or yeastless bread. Close 3. [W]ithout Richard Parker, I wouldnt be alive today to tell you my story. Explanation for Quotation 3 >> This line is spoken by Pi approximately halfway through the book, in chapter 57. The you in this sentence is the author, to whom Pi relates his story over the course of many meetings in Canada many years after the ordeal. Of course, the you is also the reader, for Pi is aware that he is telling his story to a writer who has the intent to publish. By this point, we know that Richard Parker is a Royal Bengal tiger, an adult male, who weighs 450 pounds and takes up about one-third of the lifeboat. At first, it might sound ludicrous that such a menacing creature should get credit for keeping alive a slender, adolescent Indian boy, but Pi explains himself compellingly. The presence of Richard Parker, though initially terrifying, eventually soothes him and saves him from utter existential loneliness. Moreover, the necessity of training and taking care of Richard Parker fills up Pis long, empty days-staying busy helps time pass. The quotation can also be considered in the context of Pis second story, the one without animals, in which Pi himself is the tiger. Pi has chosen a tiger to represent himself because of its conflicting qualities: nobility and violence, grace and brute force, intelligence and instinct. In a way, these qualities are very human. But on a day-to-day basis-for example, as we go to school, drive to the supermarket, and watch TV at night-the elements of violence, brutality, and instinct are blunted. Instead of catching and killing fish, we purchase plastic-wrapped filets; rather than hunt animals for meat, we buy steaks at the deli counter. Stripped of these conveniences, Pi must return to nature and reassert his animal instincts. He must overcome his squeamishness in order to eat. He must embrace aggression in order to kill the cook who might otherwise have killed him. In crediting Richard Parkers existence for his own survival, Pi acknowledges that it is animal instinct, not polite conven tion or modern convenience, that protects him from death. Close 4. Life on a lifeboat isnt much of a life. It is like an end game in chess, a game with few pieces. The elements couldnt be more simple, nor the stakes higher. Explanation for Quotation 4 >> This comment appears about halfway through Part Two, as Pi adjusts to life at sea and philosophizes on the nature of being a castaway. In an endgame in chess, most of the game has been played out and the majority of the chess pieces knocked off the board. Similarly, after the sinking of the Tsimtsum, only a handful of survivors (Pi, Richard Parker, Orange Juice, the Grants zebra, the hyena) remain. The few that are left are forced into a strategic battle of wits to see who will ultimately prevail. The tensions between the lifeboats inhabitants immediately after the ship sinks are high; each inhabitant knows that the game is sudden death and that each move must be considered with special care. The zebra, the orangutan, and the hyena all make missteps and lose. But Pi painstakingly charts out his plan of action, and his diligence and foresight save his life. Life on a lifeboat is simple, but, stripped of all else, the stakes become considerable: life or death. Pis life in the middle of the Pacific has no luxuries, no complex processes to participate in, and no obscure signals to follow. Faced with numerous physical dangers-Richard Parker, sharks, starvation, the blind castaway-his only real choice is whether to fight to live or to give up and die. Though he considers doing otherwise, Pi chooses to fight. The distilled quality of Pis existence is similar to the kind of bare-bones life lived by many religious mystics, for whom stripping down to the essentials is necessary for communion with God. A full, varied life with many distractions can cloud faith or even make it unnecessary. However, within a spare and even monastic existence, Gods presence becomes palpable. To put it another way, within the confines of a lifeboat, spirituality looms as large as a nearly 10-foot, 450-pound Bengal tiger. Close 5. The lower you are, the higher your mind will want to soar. Explanation for Quotation 5 >> Pi narrates these words in chapter 93, toward the end of his ordeal at sea and as he is reaching the depths of his despair. As Pi mentions just before this, his situation seems as pointless as the weather. Up to now, Pis tedious life at sea has been alleviated somewhat with sporadic new activities: killing fish, taming Richard Parker, creating drinkable water using the solar stills, and so on. More notably, the blind French castaway and the days spent on the floating island gave Pi a change in routine. But now the novelty has worn off. This section, in which nothing is expected to happen, drives Pi into utter hopelessness, yet he must continue living. At this point Pi turns to God and, Martel implies, invents the story that we have just read. His mind is desperate to escape the physical reality of continued existence on the lifeboat, and so it soars into the realm of fiction. At his lowest point, Pi reaches for the only remaining sources of salvation available to him: faith and imagination. Through the plots remaining action, Martel emphasizes that such a strategy for self-preservation can actually be astonishingly effective. Immediately after this moment in the text, Pi lan

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Criminology Psychological Theories Essay -- Social Psychology, Introve

Social Psychology is a field that attempts understated how thoughts, behavior and feelings are influenced by the implied presence, actual or imagined presence of others. Social influence involves the exercise of social power by a person or a group to change the altitudes or behaviour of others in a particular direction. Social power refers t o the â€Å"force available to the influencer to motivate change† (Allport, 1985). Young people are more prone to social influence due to need for conformity with their peers. This makes many teenagers in United Kingdom to indulge in criminal and deviant behaviours, which is closely associated with drug use and gang crimes. We can therefore argue that some emotional, psychological and biological characteristics make youths to indulge in gang crimes. It is hard to differentiate drug abuse and violence in United Kingdom or a cross the world at large. Adolescence drug use scares adults. The spectres of addiction, psychosis, alienation and rebellion provoke dramatic responses: legislations enact and create control agencies; social scientists conduct studies; and all these efforts are documented, evaluated and modified. In all these activities, however, the perspective of adolescents is neglected. They too, are concerned about dangers and are influenced by these controls, but their concerns are of different sorts. They are the ones who choose which drugs, if any, to try, who decide which use patterns to settle on; who experience the effects of drug use is a part of the adolescent’s social world. In fact they sometimes report the uses, meaning and consequences of drug use. It is therefore challenging to attempt to prevent or intervene in such a use are based on assumptions about the meaning of drugs ... ...sychology ( Vol. 1, 3rd.,pp1-46. New York: Random House. Bandura , A. (1977). Sociol Theory. New York. Universal Press. Block Herbert & Arthur Nienehoffer, the gang: a study in adolescent behaviour. New York. Universal press. Decker Scott (1996) Collective and Normative Features of Gang Violence. Washington : National Institute of Justice. Eysenck. H (1964). Crime and personality. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Howell James (1997) Youth Gang Drug Trafficking and Homicide: Policy and Program Implications Juvenile Justice Journal 4: 4-5 Kohlberg ,l. (1969). Stage of Moral Development and Action: New York. Winston Publishers. Lange J. Crime as a Destiny. London. Allen & Urwin. Marshalls lance & David Crook (1999). The childhood experience of a psychopath: A retrospective study of familial and societal factors. Journal of personality disorders, 13,211-225.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Impulsiveness in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Romeo and Juliet Essays

Impulsiveness in Romeo & Juliet "Wisely and slow: they stumble that run fast"(Pg 91, Line 97) those words spoken by Friar Laurence. Words we must listen too. Impulsiveness leads to downfall, and therefore people must strike a balance between being impulsive, and being pragmatic. Time and time again Shakespeare showed us how impulsiveness leads to tragedy. First off, Capulet was a prudent, well-balanced person most of the time. When Paris told Capulet that he wanted to marry Juliet, Capulet said "Let two more summers wither in their pride/Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride"(Pg 27, Lines 10-11) because he wanted to look out for Juliet and wanted to make sure she was ready. Though he did tell him to "woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart;/My will to her consent is but a part" because he was still not passing up this opportunity for his daughter. Capulet was also practical when Tybalt spotted Romeo during the Capulet feast, Tybalt wanted to do the impulsive thing and kill Romeo, but Capulet thought for a second about the consequences. Tybalt said "I'll not endure him" and Capulet told him emphatically "he shall be endur'd"(pg. 57, Lines 77 & 78). In this scene Capulet prevented a huge Montegue and Capulet confrontation by thinking first and not doing the impulsive suggested by Tybalt. Through thinking these actions through, problems were prevented. However, Capulet was at times, a very rash person, and that lead to much of the misfortune in this play. Hours after Romeo killed Tybalt, Capulet acted on haste in Act III, Scene 4 and told Paris "I will make a desperate tender/Of my child's love: I think she will be rul'd/In all respects by me; nay more, I doubt it not....And bid her, mark you on me, on Wednesday next-" and then continued to sound delirious saying "Wednesday is too soon;/ O' Thursday let it be:...She shall be married to this noble earl" and at this point Capulet has become selfish and impulsive. His daughter does not love Paris, but Capulet is not thinking because Tybalt had just died. When Juliet refused to marry Paris, Capulet exploded, and didn't think at all by telling Juliet, "get thee to

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How to Create an Effective Technology Support Team

How to Create and Effective Technology Support Team May 10, 2010 University of Phoenix People in every workplace speak of building the team, working as a team, and my team, but few understand how to create the experience of teamwork or how to develop an effective team (Heathfield, n. d. ). Technology has become a critical need for any business to profit in a positive way. This research paper will explain a few key elements that are a requirement to have an effective technology support team. An explanation of how personalities can affect relationships within and beyond the technical staff. Belonging to a team, in the broadest sense, is a result of feeling part of something larger than yourself (Heathfield, n. d. ). Organization Structure Organization structure is very important in a team environment because it will help define and understand the team and team members of the organization. Appointing a team leader for the team is a powerful asset and will tend to keep everything in order within the organization. It is best to form the team with different abilities because it will create a more complete understanding of the requirements. The appointed team leader should provide some type of statement to the team members advising the team members of the goal and expectations of the team. It is very important to become acquainted with the team members so the motivation will be there to strive for the best. After the information is given questions are address then the leader will appoint all team members with their roles and responsibilities. This will avoid any overlap or extra responsibilities among whose job is to do what. Team Operation When a team is put together, it is extremely valuable to bring the team ogether in a project area. The proximity of the team members will provide a number of benefits. Interpersonal relationships will develop at a steady pace leading to more effective and timely communication of information. The team must remember that the team leader is not the manager of the team; however is consider a coach or facilitator. This is very important to remember so the team can operate together efficie ntly. Planning is another important part of the team operation because it will keep everything running smooth and on time. Planning helps the team understand the project objectives, customer requirements, goals, cost, and schedule. Communication Communication plays a major part in possessing an effective technology support team. The team represents the company and all the customers know of. It is extremely important for all team members to listen effectively to ensure the understanding of the customer needs. If the communication is not open and understood the team could fall apart. It is often impossible to fix a misunderstanding in which technology is concerned (Techsoup for libraries, 2009). If the team leader have not identified and communicate the needs clearly at the beginning of a technology project, there may be little or no room for changes later on (Techsoup for libraries, 2009). It can affect the entire company, employees, and customers. Software has so many dependencies that a small change may cause a number of consequences. It is much better to catch a minor issue at the beginning instead of at the end of the problem. Misunderstanding any communication within the technical realm can lead to a waste of time and effort. It is important to listen actively to ensure the clarity of the client to avoid troubleshooting a problem that is the wrong problem. This type of miscommunication will affect the end user and will cause a longer time frame for resolution. To ensure the communication is efficient the technical member will need to remember three important factors. First, ensure that they are aware of whom they are speaking with. They will need to distinguish if they are speaking with a client who is knowledgeable on a technical level or not knowledgeable on the technical level to determine how he or she will need to speak to the client. Second, the technical team member will need to know how familiar the client is with the technology library. By understanding what level the client is on concerning the knowledge the team member will be able to adjust the attitude and language given. Last, all the members of the team need to stay refresh with the basics of interacting with fellow team members, supervisors, and clients. Personalities Another element in building an effective technology support team is the consideration of the individual personalities of the team members (Kearns, 2009). This portion is basically on the team leader position because the team leader will need to know how the other team members will affect each other to avoid any personality conflicts. The team leader has to remember three questions to ask him or herself about the team members to ensure the entire team is on the same level. First, the team leader will need to know do each individual work well in a team environment. Second, will need to ensure all members can handle peer criticism constructively. Last, needs to make sure the team members’ goals and efforts are in line with the team and not for themselves. If none of the three questions are thought of, it can cause a high turnover rate and will cause difficulties with training. Technology is a must have in the 21st century now and possessing an effective support team is vital. Building a good team is the best thing a team leader can do to achieve a successful project. With the right attitude, a team will overcome almost any difficulty to succeed in its goals. In most projects there will be instances when only the determination of the team can overcome the difficulties and continue to strive for success (Lycos, 2010). Trainings will help assist with continuing the strong teamwork with the team and to have knowledge of any new technology release. Teamwork is the key to having a successful project and will continue to increase the business in a positive way. References Heathfield, Susan. (n. d. ). Twelve Tips for Team Building: How to Build Successful Work Team. Retrieved on May 11, 2010, from http://humanresources. about. om/od/involvementteams/a/twelve_tip_team_2. htm Kearns, William. (2009). Building a Technology Support Team. Retrieved on May 11, 2010, from http://www. articlesbase. com/technology-articles/building-a-technology-support-team-1594409. html Lycos Retriever. (2010). Team Building: People. Retrieved on May 11, 2010 from http://www. lycos. com/info/team-building–people. html TechSoup for Libraries. (2009). Building a Te chnology Team. Retrieved on May 11, 2010, from http://www. techsoupforlibraries. org/? q=cookbook-3/planning-and-decision-making/building-a-technology-team

Monday, September 16, 2019

Development politics-political science

The development of economic thought on proper public policy has followed (if not led) political tides in developing countries. In the expedition for paradigm dominance in economics and sub disciplines such as development economics, neo-classicism appears to have won out.The market leaning thrust of the development â€Å"counter revolt† is now reflected in the conditionality underlying international policy restructuring, that is, the escalating pressure exerted on developing countries to lessen the scope of government intervention, craft more open policies, and the distended use of conditional development assistance as a means of enforcing conformity. This must be interpreted from the viewpoint of a more invasive worldview that has perceived excessive government contribution as becoming more obtrusive in more developed and developing countries alike.Mill defined clearly the policy reform of classical economic liberalism. Thus it is helpful to look at the justified government in terventions listed in his Principles. He begins his chapter ‘Of the Grounds and Limits of the Laissez-faire or Non-interference Principle’ by distinctive types of intervention. The first he calls authoritative intrusion, by which he means legal prohibitions on private actions. Mill argues on moral grounds that such prohibitions must be limited to actions that affect the interests of others.Although even here the obligation of making out a case always deceit on the defenders of legal prohibitions. Scarcely several degree of utility, short of absolute necessity, will rationalize a prohibitory regulation, unless it can also be made to suggest itself to the general principles. The second form of intervention he calls government agency, which exists ‘when a government, instead of issuing a command and enforcing it by penalties, [gives] advice and promulgates information . . . or side by side with their [private agents] arrangements [creates] an agency of its own for li ke purpose'.Thus the government can provide various private and public goods, but without prohibiting competing private supply. The examples Mill gives are banking, education, public works, and medicine. (Mill, 1909) The majority of the government interventions Mill permits belong to this second category. But he warns against their costs: they have great fiscal consequences; they boost the power of the government; all additional function undertaken by government is a fresh job imposed upon a body already charged with duties.So that most things are ill done; much not done at all,' and the consequences of government agency are expected to be counterproductive. In a passage that is prophetic about the structure of numerous public enterprises in developing countries, he writes: The inferiority of government agency, for example, in any of the common operations of industry or commerce, is proved by the fact, that it is hardly ever able to maintain itself in equal competition with individu al agency, where the individuals possess the requisite degree of industrial enterprise, and can command the necessary assemblage of means.All the facilities which a government enjoys of access to information; all the means which it possesses of remunerating, and therefore of commanding the best available talent in the market–are not an equivalent for the one great disadvantage of an inferior interest in the result. (Mill, 1909) On these grounds he concludes: ‘few will dispute the more than sufficiency of these reasons, to throw, in every instance, the burden of making out a strong case, not on those who resist, but on those who recommend, government interference.Laissez-faire, in short, should be the general practice: every departure from it, unless required by some great good, is a certain evil'. (Mill, 1909) But Mill also gives a bridge to the ideas that were later to weaken economic liberalism. The most significant of these was the collective ideal of equality, which was later used to develop a powerful cure to the liberal tradition through Marxism and was executed as state socialism by the Bolsheviks.Thus Mill permits various forms of government agency; numerous of which echo what later came to be accepted as causes of market failure, that prima facie could rationalize appropriate government intervention. Such grounds might be externalities in the stipulation of basic education and public services (like lighthouses), and the require to administer financial institutions against fraud, or to resolve diverse forms of what today would be called Prisoners' Dilemmas. Mill also cited the relief of poverty as another potential reason for government involvement:The question arises whether it is better that they should receive this help exclusively from individuals, and therefore uncertainly and casually, or by systematic arrangements in which society acts through its organ, the state (Mill, 1909). Hence, he argued, the claim to help, . . . created by d estitution, is one of the strongest which can exist; and there is prima facie the amplest reason for making the relief of so extreme an exigency as certain to those who require it, as by any arrangements in society it can be made (Mill, 1909).On the other hand, in all cases of helping, there are two sets of consequences to be considered; the consequences of the assistance, and the consequences of relying on the assistance. The former are generally beneficial, but the latter, for the most part, injurious; so much so, in many cases, as greatly to outweigh the value of the benefit. And this is never more likely to happen than in the very cases where the need of help is the most intense.There are few things for which it is more mischievous that people should rely on the habitual aid of others, than for the means of subsistence, and unhappily there is no lesson which they more easily learn. The problem to be solved is therefore one of peculiar nicety as well as importance; how to give th e greatest amount of needful help, with the smallest encouragement to undue reliance on it (Mill, 1909). This is a discerning summary of both the attractions and consequences of welfare programmes, which has since been authorized empirically.Though, by assigning a larger and endogenous role for the state or public sector in the economy, Keynes set the way for the explanation of development policy in terms of a discretionary, type of economic management at the state level. Thus, planning came to be viewed as a helpful mechanism for overcoming the deficits of the market-price system, and for enlisting public sustain to attain national objectives linked to economic growth, employment formation, and poverty mitigation.It was against this backdrop that the pioneers of contemporary development economics developed Keynesian and Pigovian critiques of the market-price means to advocate the need for planned development. Since development could not be left completely to market forces, governme nt investment was thought to be desired to create â€Å"social transparency capital† as a means of laying the basics for the developing countries to â€Å"take off† on the flight toward self-sustained economic growth.From the viewpoint of Pigovian externalities, the private sector could not be estimated to invest at adequately high levels in the formation of such forms of capital as of increasing returns to scale, technological externalities, and the reality that such investments tend to exhibit the characteristics of public goods. As neo-classical-type adjustment or marginal changes could not effectively address the problem at hand, planning was visualized as a necessary means of developing macroeconomic targets and providing the organizing efforts and consistency requisite for the preferences of society to be recognized.In the economic management of both the more developed and less developed countries, a good deal of controversy has surrounded Keynes's advocacy of mo re state intervention. As he wrote in his Essays in Persuasion, â€Å"I think that capitalism, wisely managed, can probably be made more efficient for attaining economic ends than any alternative system yet in sight, but that in itself, it is in many ways extremely objectionable. Our problem is to work out a social organization which shall be as efficient as possible without offending our notions of a satisfactory way of life. â€Å"Contextually, Keynes' rejection of laissez-faire cannot be construed as an support of the bureaucratic type of planning that was once popular in former socialist countries and the developing world. The issue had surfaced throughout the celebrated Socialist Calculation debate of the interwar years as a means of showing why a decentralized market economy is probable to provide a greater degree of socio-economic coordination than a central one. Specifically, Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek (1935) had argued that growing political involvement in the economi c system would ultimately lead to totalitarian dictatorship.Hayekian anti-Keynesianism was to conduct in the idea of a â€Å"dirigiste dogma,† or the potential dangers innate in government solutions to economic and social problems. Yet, it can be contradicted that the â€Å"dogma† was perhaps more pertinent to his disciples than to Keynes himself. As, his analysis of the British economy throughout the thirties was based on assumptions concerning rationally functioning markets. The case for planning was restricted to the concern of a macroeconomic framework in which microeconomic choices could be reasonably orchestrated.The guiding viewpoint was that in the absence of a proper macroeconomic â€Å"enabling† environment, markets will engender the kind of stagnation implied in underemployment equilibrium. At the international level, as a result, the counter-revolution was translated into a revisionist loom to North-South relations based on an extolment of the advant ages of Adam Smith's â€Å"invisible hand† over the difficulties of the â€Å"visible hand† of statism. Contextually, the â€Å"poverty of development economics† has been accredited to the â€Å"policy induced, and thus far from expected distortions formed by irrational dirigisme† (Lal 1983: 1).In his view, conventional development economics was not simply too dogmatic and dirigiste in its orientation, but also sustained by a number of â€Å"fallacies,† including: (i) the belief that the price-market mechanism must be displaced rather than supplemented; (ii) that the efficiency gains from enhanced allocation of given resources are quantitatively irrelevant; (iii) that the case for free trade lacks soundness for developing countries; (iv) that government control of prices, wages, imports, and the allocation of productive assets is a indispensable prerequisite for poverty improvement; and (v) that rational maximizing behavior by economic agents is no t a common phenomenon. Besides advocating a smaller role for the state, Lal also joins hands with Hayek in arguing that nothing must be done about income distribution. â€Å"We cannot . . . identify equity and efficiency as the sole ends of social welfare . . . Other ends such as liberty are also valued. . .. [And] if redistribution entails costs in terms of other social ends which are equally valued it would be foolish to disregard them and concentrate solely on the strictly economic ends† (Lal 1983: 89). This argument can be construed to mean that no matter how considerable the welfare gains that are probable to accrue from redistributive policies, no liberty is ever worth trading or forfeiting. Besides the ideological tunnel vision that lies at the heart of such a claim, it can be argued that the potential of attaining authentic development depend as much on the sensitivity of the state to distributive justice as on the competence and locative goals stressed in neoclassica l economics or the â€Å"liberty† that is the focus of â€Å"new† classical political economy.Peter Bauer, another inner figure in the counter-revolution, challenges the major variations in economic structure and levels of developmental attainment among countries must be explained in terms of equivalent differences in resource endowments and individualistic orientations. This viewpoint rests on a basic belief that the inherent potentials of individuals can be drawn out throughout the play of market forces. Contextually, he states (1981: 8s), â€Å"the precise causes of differences in income and wealth are complex and various. . . . [I]n substance such differences result from people's widely differing attitudes and motivations, and also to some extent from chance circumstances. Some people are gifted, hardworking, ambitious, and enterprising, or had farsighted parents, and they are more likely to become well off. â€Å"In turn, such attributes are measured accountable for the East Asian success stories, or a demonstration of the legality and correctness of the individualistic free market approach to economic development. In more general terms, the achievement of these countries is interpreted as a substantiation of the domain assumptions of neo-classical economic theory: that competent growth can be promoted by relying on free markets, getting prices to replicate real scarcities, liberalizing trade policy, and authorizing international price signals to be more generously transmitted to the domestic economy. On the whole idea, therefore, is that market-oriented systems with private incentives lean to show a superior performance in terms of growth attainment.In general, critics of the â€Å"dirigiste dogma† such as Hayek, Lal, and Bauer assert that, compared to countries in the more developed division of the world, most governments in the less developed sector lack the type of knowledge and data required for rational intervention, are often less democratic, and often exhibit motives that are at inconsistency with Keynesian-type or structuralist objectives of growth with redeployment and full employment. The reaction is that markets in both sectors of the world are less liberated than is usually supposed, lack the capability for making rational decisions, and particularly in the developing world, not always adequately organized to effectively convey the essential price signals. There is numerous element of truth in both the anti-Keynesian and Keynesian/structuralist perspectives. Where the balance is lastly drawn becomes an issue of ideology and slanted judgment rather than scientific economic analysis. In any event, the path followed by any particular country is typically constrained by its historical and socio-cultural situation.In addition, the obstruction of local forms of industrial development led to the configuration of a modern middle class of â€Å"petit bourgeoisie† comprising army officials, governmen t bureaucrats, civil servants, teachers, and related cadres. In certain regions and countries, they integrated small traders, â€Å"progressive farmers,† â€Å"middle peasants,† and similar groups that come to obtain increasing importance in the absence of meaningful industrialization. They were to become the prime advocates of state capitalism and other forms of â€Å"national developmentalism. † In conclusion, approximately all states in the developing world are domineering in varying degrees. Several are classic cases of the predator or rentier state in which everything is part of a ruler's individual fiefdom and high offices are up for sale to the highest bidders.There are a few cases, yet, where governments have established some measure of institutional consistency in the detection of collective development goals. Needless to say, the situation diverges from one historical or political framework to another. The majority of developing countries have no subst itute but to rely on a strong and focused government to map out a strategic development way. The obstinate theoretical and practical question relics why different types of interventionist states with command over similar resources and instruments of control tend to show extremely conflicting development orientations and end up on dissimilar development paths.The consensual view is that the great majority have remained â€Å"regulatory† or â€Å"obstructionist† and are far back on the road to becoming real â€Å"development states† that portray the vision and capability needed to promote necessary development goals. Achievement of the latter depending not so much on the dimension of the government apparatus but more on its quality and efficiency. This has been established by the development experience of Nordic and East Asian countries, which have been thriving in meshing interventionist schemes with the market mechanism, as well as in cultivation resilient coali tions of modernizing interests in the structuring of national development agendas. Traditionally, such coalitions have resultant their integrity, credibility, and political legality from the nation's collective aspirations.The centralization of decision making has been efficiently combined with flexibility in dealing with technical and market conditions. Goals and policies have been continually interpreted and reinterpreted on the basis of organizational networks between party organizations, public officials, and private entrepreneurs. This is not meant to propose that what has worked in the flourishing corporatist models of the Nordic countries and the Sinitic world, particularly Japan, can or should be replicated in the late-developing world. In the first place, the social and cultural homogeneity in both regions have made the counterfeiting of a political consensus much easier.Second, the tensions that continuously arise between the spoken interests of organized classes, pressure groups, and the state influential responsible for policy formulation and implementation cannot be resolved in a context free or institutionally neutral manner. The state remains a â€Å"strategic actor in the game of mixed conflict and cooperation amongst other groups† (Bardhan 1988: 65). Under the conditions, the nature of developmental outcomes eventually depends on its ability to determine conflicts and make compromises in an open political milieu. The directness of the political process determines the nature and efficacy of the development delivery system and the degree to which consensual relationships can be recognized and nurtured with labor, business, people's organizations, and the rustic sector.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Rapid Growth Of The World Populations Environmental Sciences Essay

The rapid growing of the universe population leads to energy demand on a rise particularly in developing states. In add-on, due to the limited ability to provide of non-renewable there are a figure of immense challenges that are posed to the population of the universe. This state of affairs leads to the hazard of depletion of inexpensive dodo energy and environmental pollution every bit good as clime alteration. Harmonizing to Loir, there will likely be sufficient oil and gas for this century, and coal for 2 or more ( Loir.N 2007, p.843 ) . Or Edwin Cartlidge reports â€Å" the one-year entire ingestion of energy beginnings by the universe population is about 1.4Ãâ€"1017 kWh, of which the proportion of the dodo energy has accounted for 90 % of the energy beginnings used † ( Physics World 7/2007 ) . Therefore, research workers around the universe have been invariably seeking to happen solutions to diversify energy beginnings and cut down harmful emanations and nursery emanatio ns into the environment and renewable energy beginnings have taken the limelight. Therefore, what is the renewable energy? The Oxford Dictionary ( ) defines renewable energy as natural energy that can be used once more and once more and will ne'er run out. There are four major types of renewable energy: solar, hydro, air current and geothermic energy. This paper will discourse advantages and disadvantages that renewable energy resource ( RES ) brings, every bit good as analysis the importance of RES to the universe ‘s hereafter.2. Discussion of findings2.1 Advantages of renewable energy resources ( RES )The usage of renewable energy has many possible benefits, including human existences and environment. First, one of the most importantA advantages of renewable energyA is that it is renewable. Kernel of RES is derivation from natural procedures so the energy is sustainable and ne'er run out. Truly, renewable energy is truly of import and necessary to human existences when dodo fuels are more and more dog-tired. With the ceaseless supply of renewables, we would experience secure when holding abundant supply of energy to last our planet, our human race and our economic systems, for coevalss and of all time. Khemani ( 2011 ) says: â€Å" Equally long as human life is at that place, there will be earth, Sun, air current and H2O, and the energy from these beginnings will besides be available every bit long as they are at that place † . With the copiousness from many renewable resources and development of scientific discipline and engineering, he strongly believes that renewable energy can run into the universe ‘s energy demands today and tomorrow. Second, another benefit of renewable energy engineerings is that ability of supplying a step of confidence of continued electricity supply at times when it otherwise might be threatened. In some fortunes, renewable energy engineerings can be more dependable than other signifiers of electricity. For illustration, solar electricity systems can be used after storms for response and recovery. Renewable energy engineerings such as generators powered by photovoltaics ( PV ) can provide electricity if the grid fails. Often the Sun comes out in the immediate wake of a annihilating storm. It can take hebdomads to mend the electricity grid and reconstruct power to all clients. If battery storage is added to the system, it can provide electricity even after the Sun goes down or through several cloudy or stormy yearss. Energy is needed to supply lighting, warming, air conditioning, cookery, conveyance and toA powerA all the engineerings in the household place or concern premises ( Parker 2010 ) Furthermore, renewable energy non merely is regarded as an limitless resource but besides plays an of import function to regional development. Renewable energy and energy efficiency can assist regenerate rural communities. For illustration, Wind turbines and solar panel systems can supply energy and supply rural communities with new revenue enhancement gross. Farmers on blowy lands can rent infinite to weave developers, gaining 1000s of dollars for each turbine every twelvemonth. One of the greatest alternate energy benefits is that it is so much better for environment than the usage ofA dodo fuels that contribute to a great extent to issues such as acerb rain, smog and planetary heating. On the contrary, renewable energy has little or no waste merchandises such as C dioxide or other chemical pollutants. Renewable energy systems produce much lower C dioxide emanations as opposed to carbon-intensive fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas while they are being used merely a little sum of fuel during the fabrication of equipment ( Walser 2012 ) . With renewable energies, energy is normally converted from one signifier to another without the creative activity of pollutants. Chandler ( 2006 ) takes solar energy as illustration, light energy from the Sun can be converted straight to electricity utilizing photovoltaic without the production of any pollutants like C dioxide or other nursery gasses. Similarly, air current power energy relies on traveling air an d converts it into electricity without fouling the environment. Therefore, it is obvious that the non-pollution or minimum impacts on environment are the positive advantages of renewable energy.2.2 Disadvantages of renewable energy resources ( RES )Although it is obvious to acknowledge the homo every bit good as environmental advantages of using renewable signifiers of energy, we must besides see some restricting sides from the energy. The biggest disadvantage of renewable energy is that the cost of the energy is comparatively higher than non-renewable energy. The initial costs of renewable energy still do many people ignore it wholly when comparing it with fossil fuel on two facets: entire cost and over the same clip period. For illustration, installing of solar energy H2O warmer costs many times in comparing with a warmer, so they decided to purchase warmers for hot H2O solution. Harmonizing Global Wind Energy Council ( GWEC ) ( 2008 ) reported that turbine installing costs $ 47.5 billion ; by contrast, we merely have to pass a much smaller sum of money to construct thermic power station about $ 2,25 billion ( Shah 2011 ) . He besides pointed that other incidental costs such as care costs and production costs cause monetary value increasing. By and large, it is monetary value that the ground has prevented approaching and utilizing clean energy as compared to the dodo fuel beginnings of energy. Another distinguishable disadvantage is trusting excessively much on conditions conditions and geographic locations to make energy ( Sinclair 2011 ) . Each types of renewable beginnings is merely better suited to some topographic points. This means that you can non utilize each of these renewable beginnings in all locations. For case, when utilizing geo-thermal energy, you must be in a location that provides the environment for geo-thermal energy to be produced. Likewise, we can non bring forth hydro-electric power without holding a fast-flowing H2O beginning, such as a river or waterfall. In add-on, the energy besides brings some inconvenient jobs. Take solar energy H2O warmer as an illustration, it is inefficient because in summer ambient temperature are high and the usage of hot H2O is non needed ; nevertheless, in the winter we could non hold hot H2O due to low visible radiation of the Sun. Shah ( 2011 ) claimed that â€Å" despite the fact that most renewable energy beginnings are more environmentally friendly they may still hold a negative impact on the environment † . He stated that hydroelectricity undertakings can do a dramatic alteration in the development of wildlife and ecosystem along the river and inundation hazards.2.3 Can renewable energy supply the World ‘s energy demands?With the important benefits from renewable energy, we ca n't deny that functions of it are more and more of import. Harmonizing to Pulsinelli ( 2012 ) , despite the universe economic crisis, China spent $ 52 billion on renewable energy in 2011 and the United States was close behind with investings of $ 51 billion. At present, renewable energy contributes about 20 % in electricity consumed worldwide ( Perkowski 2012 ) . It is apparent that the two states, which took the caput in renewable energy investing, have known exhaustively out the importance of renewable energy. Presents , by progresss and accomplishments of scientific discipline and engineering scientists are holding every assurance in bright hereafter of renewable energy. Harmonizing to the study of TheA Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) in 2011, renewable beginnings occupied about 13 per centum of the universe ‘s energy in 2008 and the proportion probably to hold risen. The study besides indicate out that within four decennaries renewable energyA could account for about 80 % of the world'sA energy supply. The statistics are wholly appeared in the close hereafter if we combine four chief alternate resources and utilize hydroelectric to make full in spreads, which makes easier to fit demand. â€Å" The most of import thing is to unite renewable energy beginnings into a package † ( cited in BERGERON 2011 ) . Particularly, in research ( Edenhofer et al. 2011 ) shows that by 2050, geothermic energy could run into more than 3 per centum of planetary electricity demand and about 5 per centum of the planetary heat demand, hydropower will lend about 30 per centum of world-wide electricity supply, air current power will turn to more than 20 per centum and solar energy becomes one of the major beginnings of energy supply with about 15 per centum.3. DecisionFrom all determination above, it is clear that renewable energy plays a function more of import with every passing twenty-four hours to both human existences and environment. By copiousness renewable energy is going an of import solution to the universe ‘s energy demand. Besides, renewable energy besides brings many positive impacts to protecting environment, decreasing effects of planetary heating or pollutions. Despite some drawbacks of the energy, there are besides grounds to believe the jobs will be solved shortly thanks to strong in vesting of authorities and attempts ‘ scientists. The exploiting and change overing from traditional beginnings into renewable energy resources is a favourable turning-point to us. ( Word count: 1560 )